I am one of the very few that does trimming. It is completely optional. I came from Dalmatians originally where this type of grooming is done on all dogs.
The Pharaoh Hound standard states ‚hard, clean lines’… and also that feathering is a fault. It does not state that trimming is not allowed.
Most judges don’t pay much attention to the finer details of grooming. They expect at a minimum a clean dog, with clean teeth and well kept nails. On occasion perhaps in a close decision, or with a ex-hander judge that appreciates grooming, those extra touches might make the difference.
I do almost all my trimming with an Arco Moser, adjustable blade, re-chargeable trimmer. I also use a small rounded tip scissors, thinning shears (with close teeth) and a dental scaler.

Bath your Pharaoh when they need it. Most Pharaohs are almost ‘self cleaning’. Their skin can get dry and flaky if bathed too often. I bath no more than once per month. Do not use a dog shampoo that is formulated for ‘oily coated’ breeds like most Retrievers. They are too harsh for the non-oily Pharaoh.
I use a mild shampoo for dogs called Sebomild, but any mild shampoo, formulated for dogs, is good. Don’t use human shampoo, Humans have a different PH than dogs.
Use the dental scaler to remove any plaque along the gum line. Usually Pharaoh teeth stay pearly white until the age of 2, then need periodic scaling.
Use the trimmer on the closest setting (10 blade approx) and clean out any fuzz that is sticking into the ear.
Then use the small scissor to clean up anything I can’t get with the trimmer.
The PH ear is such a ‚wow‘ part of their anatomy, I like to make the extra impact of a fully cleaned out ear.
Also clean ears with a ‚Huggie‘, then use a Q-tip dipped in alcohol to clean out anywhere the Huggie (baby wipe) cannot get into.

Any hair sticking out beyond the back of the thigh, fuzz on the inside of the thighs, or cowlicks on the butt ‘blur’ the hard, clean lines.
Use the Arco on the closest setting (around a 10 blade) to completely shave the inside of the legs, trim the trouser line, and around the butt hole. Use the thinning shear to smooth off the edges and blend them in to look natural. Use the thinning shear on the trouser area, and those cowlicks on the butt.
And please clean that little butt with a Huggie if needed!

Use the Arco trimmer on the longer setting (around a 5 blade) and do the underside of the tail only. (This is the only body part I use this setting on.) If you trim on the close setting, it takes off too much hair and does not look natural.
Round the tail tip off with a scissor to remove any spikey hairs.
before (picture needed –
will be posted in the near future)

This PH only had a few hairs sticking out along the loin. and a slightly fuzzy belly.
Use the Arco on the closest setting to clean up the tuck up and underline. Roll the loin skin back and forth to get it all.

I leave the whiskers on the sides of the muzzle. I do trim them off the ‚warts‘, 2 on each cheek and one under the chin using the small scissors. I also clean up the chin using the Arco on the closest setting.

after – (picture needed –
will be posted in the near future)
Brush the coat just before going in the ring with a hound glove for extra ‘polish’. Some Pharaoh owners also use Mink Oil for extra shine.
Grind with a dremel tool with the sanding tip. Nails should be moderately short, but not ‚super short‘ as seen on Dobermans. Make sure to round off the tips evenly and smooth the underside of each nail.
before (picture needed –
will be posted in the near future)

This is the sanding tip on the Dremel.