Welcome to XO Dogs!
Pharaoh Hounds bred to excel in temperament, health, conformation, coursing
and as a loving member of your family.
News 2025
2024 // It’s been a great year for GCHS XO Sovrin Octopussy ‚Shandy‘ ending as #2 Pharaoh Hound. Thank you Anna Stromberg for piloting her this year. As always, you did an amazing job. Thank you Paul Koulogeorge and Eliav Barr for being part of her team. I could not have done it without you.

Lawrenceville GA!
“Shandy” represented with BOB under Erik Liebes and Group 4 in a beautiful North Georgia Hound Association group under Lisa Costello!
Bred by Lori Evans, Brittany Carella, Kathy Carella, Nancy Soverbutts.
And owned by Lori, Brittany Kathy and Paul Koulogeorge and Eliav Barr!
Photo Sarah Murphy

We are ending our time in Louisville with another fantastic day!
Shandy the Pharah was Best of Breed under Mr Tatro! Thank you Trina Matteson for covering Shandy in the group for me!